This blog is about my work on the Postgres open source database, and is published on Planet PostgreSQL. PgLife allows monitoring of all Postgres community activity.
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Postgres 17 Presentation
Thursday, October 17, 2024
I recently created a presentation about what I think are the most important areas of improvement in Postgres 17:
- Incremental backup
- Improved data manipulation
- Improved optimizer handling
- Improved logical replicas
Peter Eisentraut and I also did a webinar about this, and a recording is now available.
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More Release Note Details
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Over the years, we occasionally get requests for more detail on release note items, particularly for the major release notes. Historically, our only response was to tell people to view the sgml/xml file used to generate the web and pdf versions of the release notes. In the file, above each release note item, is a comment block which contains the commit headers responsible for the item, e.g.:
<!-- Author: David Rowley <drowley(at)postgresql(dot)org> 2024-01-23 [b262ad440] Add better handling of redundant IS [NOT] NULL quals Author: David Rowley <drowley(at)postgresql(dot)org> 2024-04-12 [3af704098] Fix IS [NOT] NULL qual optimization for inheritance tabl -->
You could then take the git commit hash shown in brackets and look up the full commit message and the source code diff.
This process has been greatly simplified in the web version of the Postgres 17 release notes. We have added a section symbol, "§" at the end of the description of each release note item which links to one or more commit messages and source code diffs for that item. These symbols are also described in our documentation.
We also created a tool to automate the adding these links, so all future major and minor releases, even minor releases on previous major versions, e.g., Postgres 15.9, will have these links. The pdf version will not contain these links because they are less useful and too obtrusive.
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Postgres 17 Release Notes
Thursday, May 9, 2024
I have just completed the first draft of the Postgres 17 release notes. It includes developer community feedback but still needs more xml markup and links.
The release note feature count is 188. The most pleasant surprise for me was the large number of optimizer improvements. Postgres 17 Beta 1 should be released soon. The final Postgres 17 release is planned for September/October of this year.
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