Bruce Momjian

General Presentations

Managing Global Teams

This presentation highlights the challenges of managing a global team of employees. Topics include management basics, leadership styles, the challenges of distant employees, and recommendations. Details include communication, coordination, and monitoring. This talk is useful for anyone who manages distributed teams.
Duration: 45 minutes, 1 hour with questions

Learning To Share: Creating and Delivering Effective Presentations

The ability to present information effectively to large audiences is a hard skill to master. This presentation looks at the motivational, technical, stylistic, and operational skills needed to be effective presenting to audiences, both in-person and virtual. It contains many specific tips on how to be successful.
Duration: 45 minutes, 1 hour with questions

The Ingredients of Accidental Success

Success is following a path to a goal. Most people follow a path set by others, but innovators define their own paths. This talk explores my journey in building the Postgres community and achieving a long-term goal.
Duration: 20 minutes, 25 minutes with questions

Producing Quality Software

Quality is a hard word to define — it is even harder to define a process of how to produce it. This presentation explains the benefits of producing quality software and looks at the forces that encourage and discourage quality output.
Duration: 30 minutes, 45 minutes with questions

Practical Computerized Home Automation

Home automation is an elusive technology — often desired, rarely achieved. This talk explores a successful twenty-year home automation deployment, outlining the challenges that derail many attempts. It will cover technology choices, programing basics, and a dozen successful applications.
Duration: 45 minutes, 1 hour with questions

Preventing Data Loss Through Prudent Archiving

No one likes the sinking feeling of having lost data - pictures, documents, source code, or video that is gone and can never be fully recreated. Though prudent archiving and risk analysis, it is possible to avoid data loss in all but the most extreme circumstances. Data longevity is also an important aspect of archiving, including the use of open data formats.
Duration: 45 minutes, 1 hour with questions

Increasing Website Bandwidth Using Cloud Services

Most websites haves several frequently-accessed or slow-downloading files. They might also have content that could be very popular one day. This talk shows how you can use cloud storage for these files to greatly increase your website's bandwidth and responsiveness. This requires minimal website changes. The demonstration includes Amazon S3 bucket configuration, mapping DNS subdomains to S3 buckets, and using Linux's s3cmd tool to upload files. Also included is configuration of CloudFront to increase the responsiveness of your website globally.
Duration: 20 minutes, 30 minutes with questions

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