St. Vartanantz Day
February 24, 2022
A Message on St. Vartanantz Day
Written by Christine Momjian, AMAA Board Member, Class of 2024
Stories from history help define us. On Vartanantz Day, we remember Vartan Mamigonian and the Battle of Avarayr. How can something that took place in 451A.D. still contribute to our modern Armenian identity?

In a display of their resolute Christian faith, Vartan and the other clergy and lay leaders sent a letter to the Persian court. They acknowledged “but with God to Whom we are indissolubly bound, and from Whom nothing can detach or separate us, neither now, nor later, nor forever, nor forever and ever.”

In his recognition that the Father is always with us, Vartan gave glory to God and not to himself. While the battle was not won — it wasn’t until 484A.D. when the Sassanian King, Balash, began negotiations with the Armenians and signed the Nvarsak Treaty — the Armenians were granted freedom to practice their Christian faith.

As a result of our difficult history, we are strong people and often desire to work alone. However, I encourage us to believe that we are stronger when working together. Vartan demonstrated that truth, and took it a step further by recognizing they were bound to the Father.

What are your battles? Are you fighting them on your own? If so, I encourage you to lean on the community of believers and the strength of the Holy Spirit.